Thursday, September 5, 2024

Practically Living Green

Showing practical reasons to live green.


GE Abandons Coal, but Not Fossil Fuels

Recently, tech giant, GE, decided to pull out of the coal industry for good by no longer building coal-fired energy plants. Although the company will still support and service ones still in operation, GE will stop building new plants.

And all I can say is, “It’s about damn time.”

Not because I am some green freak. I’ve never been a fan of fossil fuels of any kind, including coal. I suppose that’s what happens when you’re a sci-fi fan.

For me, combustible engines and burning fossil fuels is an archaic technology that is only kept around because of the money involved.

Moving Forward…ish

Instead of building new coal-fired plants, GE is moving more towards natural gas and renewable sources. With a name like “General Electric,” you’d think they would have done this decades ago.

But back then, there was no money to be made in the industry. Nowadays, there is a massive uprising for cleaner energy.

Although natural gas does burn cleaner than coal, I’m still not a fan. I suppose, though, it’s a step in the right direction.

Any business that wants to succeed over the long term needs to follow consumer trends. And right now, the trend is continuing for cleaner energy and renewable sources.

Coal is Obsolete, and Has Been for Years

Coal is an archaic fuel for producing energy. Especially since we have so many other methods that are less dangerous to human life. And I’m not just talking about CO2 in the atmosphere.

For one thing, black lung disease has shortened the lifespan of people for literally centuries. The number of diseases that come from the coal mines is one of the biggest reasons why miners are paid so well.

I guess they’ll give it to you while you’re still alive to spend it.

Coal plants generate electricity by super-heating purified water into steam to turn a turbine. Think of locomotives from the 1800s in those old wild west movies.

So, yes, we’re using centuries-old technology to this day. In a time when we have micro-computers in our pockets that occasionally make phone calls.

Sounds a bit off-balanced when you think about it like that. And this from a species who prides itself on advancing technology, as long as it makes money.

It’s Always About Money

Advancement in any technology centers around whether it’s profitable. For instance, electric cars have been a thing since the late 1880s. But, it was cheaper to build combustion engines.

Nowadays, electric vehicles are on the rise…because the consumer interest is highly present.

Can you imagine what kind of transportation methods we’d have today if electric car development continued into the 1900s?

The Snowball Continues

It’s no coincidence that the news of GE pulling out of coal-fired power plants comes in the same year as things like Xcel Energy going carbon-free or the UK testing 100% renewable energy.

The company is just the largest to pull out and put efforts elsewhere. Which is probably a good thing considering how much GE struggles to remain relevant.

Like I said, you need to roll with consumer trends.

Still, I am eager to see what other companies follow suit and start pulling out of the coal industry. Sure, a lot of the world still relies on coal for energy. But for how much longer?

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Michael Brockbank

Michael has been interested in the practicality of living green for quite some time. He works closely with GreenGeeks Web Hosting as the Content Marketing Team Lead and an author of various articles.

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